Christmas Card Tradition

Sending out holiday cards is one of my favorite holiday traditions. I started the tradition about 15 years ago. I started off buying 2 boxes of holiday cards from the drugstore and sending out to my friends and family. I have always loved getting and sending mail so it was a fun project. One year I did a custom card and I loved it so much that I never went back to buying store cards.

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From Freebie to Fave

Here is the thing about new beauty products… I love getting new products but I often times end up with a baskets full of new untouched products simply because I am a creature of habit and rely on my “tried and true” products.

I moved into a new home this year and just when I think I unpacked all of my products, I find another box with little packets, boxes and tubes – some of brands I am familiar with and some I am not. Because I don’t want to be wasteful I committed to give some of them a try.

The very first product I opened was

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