I Found Inspiration in DC Despite Covfefe

Back in October I signed up to get timed tickets to visit the National Museum of African American History and Culture. The plan: a family road trip to D.C. to see the sights and explore this new museum. Back when I got the tickets, I was imaging a different president but alas, we were determined to make it a good trip.

We left NY around 8:30am on  a Friday and after roughly 4 hours on the road (with one pit stop), we arrived just in time to park the car near our AirBnB and zip back to the museum in a cab.

Let’s start with the line – it was DOWN the block. Hundreds of people were waiting outside. And I’d like to add a very diverse set of people. Young, old, black, white, American, foreign – though a lump formed in my throat at that moment I held back the emotion because my daughter and husband love to tease me for crying (emotional thugs!).

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Always Packed and Ready to GO

It took a lot of trial and error but I have finally gotten packing for a trip down to a science. A few years ago, I realized that there were a few items that I always needed no matter where I traveled. I started leaving those items in my carry-on so when it was time to pack, my essentials were already accounted for. Some of the things on my list are no-brainers while others, I discovered overtime. Keeping these items in my bag have cut my packing time in half and has definitely saved me the frustration of forgetting something important.

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